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31 octobre 2009


Go grah voh woh
Moo oh
Moo woh
Lee ock lay
Vel tee yo
I don’t know why…but never the feeling I have the right to speak for myself…never allow myself to speak…
Oh for the low
Vo el sol
Yol till coil
Soil tool fool
Oo go wo to way
Hay say lay coo
Sew kwen
Tewn fewn
Few way lew lay oo tay way say kway
Fo low lock wok tek lek leek
Seek sok lok
Look lack wack low way lay oo
Sew peal loo seal cowel tol kel fell
In a bowl of colors
Following the tidy mowls
Of external creatures
On the verge of explosion
Moisturized by the rain
In perfect concentration
Do well
Tea on a pin
Feel of keen
Lord of sincosmic
Woo too loo coo sew
Few tew lew gew
But there has been something to avoid the true love to express itself
Mo way low lay hay yo
Like a promise
For the after world
After every self conscious thing
Has collided
In a well of smoke…
Fee oh
Way oh
Wo ay lay oo
Loo we lee youk
Seen sewn swing
Ming teng tong tung tock
Lock nee lee nack
Lah way lee hay low
Tow low lay nay you kew
Lewk tewk take fake lock sock nick tek tock tuck
Lo way lay ho
Low lay hay cow
Low tow qewl
Loh way tee fee oh lee tee oh
Coh loh lay flay flow glow slew
Was so
They had nothing to do
With everybody else’s misery
They thought…
But they
Could have
They couldn’t have
Directly helped…
Nevertheless they could
Have supported
Their personal despoliation
In favour of the poor…
An economic system
Based on the exploitation
Of the poor
But moreover
On the theft of what had been gained by the poor before, to even increase the income of the rich
Patrimony increase of the rich based on the theft of  the economic rights of the poor…an even worse increase of the unemployement, avoided by the survival of the companies, at the price of a rising poverty for everyone out, but also in work.

System flames…system flares…system fares…system fairs…system fairies…system pray rees…system pairs…
Meadows of a gloomy landapron…
For cö yeek
Fee kew yee…
Few kee oak
Loak lake look lewk…
Newk nake naked faked saked shaked shaken shaven heaven heavy heevy ivy loiyvy soyvy…
Wo lay nay no noo lee you ook look lake sake fake wake make nake rake swake swook see ook swake swale swail lwail lewail lee o well sel tel phel…so tee co lo lay nay loo too kew sew nee kew wel tel fel gell…
On a mee ness syrup gelee…
On a thin kew woll…
On tay lock well seal…
Like nobody had the right to think anymore…taken in the teeth of absolutism…ideology…cowell…tel wale…oh nee oh fee oh lee oh cow…
On a pimbertion focalized action
On a pontent tonken sont…
Went int ent kent…
Nee ot lot slew wee…
Sewn tink well talk lake sore nore lain…no wing…knowing…in comprehension…fake listing of the true lines…low collection of the peels…locked in the tears of happiness…terrible protection encompassed mattered…matt is the true fute…yolk he talk
Vok he wok too yook
Lee youk
Sooo way lay nee see yo tee oh
Gor ga tor tell
Lor na nor lain
Slain in tears
Fain in wilms
Milno cowell too sooking
Lounteeyoufeeclue yee…
Yook took look clook flook mook…noo nay lay low how ah yah yo oh ol fol teel tol kill seal lorc tewk…tewk tewk tewk…tchewk tchewk tchewk…lewk lewk lewk…oo noo see u…mo gell swell twell…sxell…sxell your body…nox tee wox fee lox glee tew
Lee oo loo way lay oh to coy loy foy roy toy…
Moy tee roy foy lee coy loy few loy sewt…in a newt…kute !
Fewt kewl…oh way lay oh low ah lah ok fok lok teak leak ak lake fake lüc flüc nüc süc see uck
Suck my eel if ant crawls on the fleer…
Seer sewr lewr lee or
Lor tee col flee soil goil low…
